Archives of Physical Health and Sports Medicine

Archives of Physical Health and Sports Medicine

ISSN: 2639-1805 DOI Prefix: 10.22259/2639-1805
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3 Articles Found

Volume 4, Issue 2

Blood Flow Restriction Therapy Following Achilles Tendon Repair in Male Patients

Mikhail Zusmanovich, Abigail Campbell, Keon Youssefzadeh, William Tyler Haselman, Heather Milligan, Orr Limpisvasti, Kenneth Jung

Effects of a Home-Visit Short-Term Intensive Service on the Exercise Habits of Older Adults Living in Mountainous Areas

Takaaki Nishimura, Ryo Miyachi, Masayasu Tanaka, Maki Ishisaki, Yuichi Kitamura, Tomoko Washio, Kinso Horio, Aika Saito, Saori Niwa, Naoko Hashiba, Tamaki Yoshizawa