Journal of Religion and Theology

Journal of Religion and Theology

ISSN: 2637-5907 DOI Prefix: 10.22259/2637-5907
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About Journal

The "Journal of Religion and Theology" is a peer-reviewed open access journal that focuses on the study of religious beliefs, practices, and institutions, as well as the broader philosophical and ethical issues that they raise. The journal aims to provide a platform for the dissemination of the latest research, developments, and advances in this field to an international audience of researchers, scholars, and students.

The journal covers a wide range of topics related to religion and theology, including religious history, theology, philosophy of religion, ethics, comparative religion, and religious studies. The journal welcomes original research articles, review articles, case studies, and book reviews that contribute to the advancement of the field of religion and theology.

With a focus on the latest research and developments, the "Journal of Religion and Theology" is a valuable resource for scholars and students in the field, as well as for those interested in the broader philosophical and ethical issues that religions raise. The journal is dedicated to promoting a deeper understanding of religion and theology, and encouraging dialogue and debate on these important and timely issues.

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